Space For Reflection
Kim edited and co-authored this collection which offers an insight into the worlds of looked after and adopted children. This aims to make thinking psychologically about the children accessible and interventions stemming from this understanding possible. Written at a time of pessimism amongst psychologists about whether we can make a difference we wanted to write a book which was both realistic and optimistic.
Assessment, intervention and living with children who are looked after or adopted all require an understanding of psychology and its application.
This innovative collection makes thinking psychologically about looked after and adopted children accessible and, in doing so,provides an insight into the world of these children. Informed by research, practice and psychological theory, this volume provides an overview of the area and considers the context for helping children change and develop. It goes on to describe in detail the techniques and approaches used by clinicians, and explains how interventions can be developed and adapted for children and young people living in residential, foster and adoptive care. Careful consideration is also given to carers and families living with these children.
With its multi–disciplinary approach, Thinking Psychologically About Children Who Are Looked After and Adopted will appeal to all professionals involved in the care and education of placed children. It will also be of interest to policy makers and lecturers and students of social work.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Date: Feb 2006
ISBN: 978-0-470-09200-2
Editors: Kim S. Golding