Kim has a love of writing, stories and communicating through the written word. Her books convey her psychological curiosity and desire to understand the impact of trauma on the family.
Alongside this she shares her search for ways forward to improve the life journeys of these families.
The Nurturing and Foundation for Attachment Series

The Nurturing Attachments group work programme and the complementary Foundations for Attachment programme are both based on the DDP model.
These are aimed at helping parents and carers to understand the difficulties of children who have experienced developmental trauma, and adapt their parenting in a way that helps children recover from this early experience.
Journal Papers
Kim has contributed to current debate and research through published Journal Papers throughout her career.
Her work has set out to encourage innovation by stimulating discussion and sharing ideas with other Professionals and Practitioners.
Briefing Papers
Whilst on the British Psychological Society’s committee for the Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families, Kim aided in the development of Briefing Papers focused on meeting the needs of looked after children and applying attachment theory in practice.
Kim has been invited on numerous occasions to contribute to books edited by others.
These provide an opportunity to share her experience and thinking in collaboration with the professional community.