The Nurturing Attachments groupwork programme is a DDP-informed intervention developed by Kim Golding.
In 2016 the UK Government’s DfE funded Adoptionplus to carry out an evaluation of the programme across 4 geographical sites for adoptive families.
This involved a quantitative exploration of the efficacy of the programme led by Professor Julie Selwyn from the University of Bristol and a qualitative exploration of the experience of attending the group led by Dr Olivia Hewitt from the University of Oxford.
A full report of both studies was published by the Department for Education in 2016.
A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the nurturing attachments group programme.
Selwyn J.; Golding, K.; Alper, J.; Gurney Smith, B.; Hewitt, O. (2016)
“Overall this study has demonstrated the efficacy of the Nurturing Attachments Group for increasing support to adoptive parents. These parents reported many benefits from their attendance and significant changes were demonstrated.”
Since then two peer reviewed papers have also been published.
The qualitative exploration was published in 2018.
A qualitative exploration of the experiences of adoptive parents attending ‘Nurturing Attachments’, a dyadic developmental psychotherapy informed group
Hewitt, O.; Gurney-Smith, B. & Golding, K. (2018). Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry | First Published January 22, 2018. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2018, Vol. 23(3) 471–482
Most recently a paper drawing upon the results of the quantitative study has been published online in the new Journal: Developmental Child Welfare. This can be found on the Journal website, together with an offer for a free 12-month subscription to the journal. A print copy will appear in the 2nd issue of the journal in June 2019
Nurturing Attachments Parenting Programme. The relationship between adopters’ parental reflective functioning and perception of their children’s difficulties.
Staines, J.; Golding, K. S.; Selwyn, J. (2019). Developmental Child Welfare, 1 – 16,